Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Mantra-Mantra Harry Potter

  1. ACCIO Membuat benda melayang mendekati pemantra, meskipun dari jarak yang cukup jauh. Catatan : Pemantra sedikitnya harus tahu benar letak benda yang ia cari.
  2. ALOHOMORA Membuka pintu atau jendela yang terkunci
  3. APPARATE Muncul di tempat manapun yang diinginkan. Catatan : Hanya boleh dilakukan oleh penyihir berusia minimal 17 tahun dan telah lulus tes. Tidak dapat dipergunakan di lingkungan Hogwarts, serta merupakan salah satu mantra yang sulit dan kompleks, salah sedikit saja dapat membuat salah satu anggota tubuh si pemantra tertinggal di tempat asalnya sebelum ia berpindah.
  4. AVADA KEDAVRA Salah satu Kutukan Tak Termaafkan. Menyebabkan kematian seketika. Saat dirapalkan, akan ada kilatan cahaya berwarna hijau dan biasanya tidak meninggalkan bukti kerusakan pada tubuh maupun sebab kematian sehingga tidak dapat dideteksi oleh otopsi kaum Muggle.
  5. AVIS Mengeluarkan burung kecil.
  6. CRUCIO Salah satu dari tiga Kutukan Tak Termaafkan. Kutukan ini menyebabkan korban mendapatkan kesakitan yang tak tertahankan. Beberapa korban kutukan ini menjadi gila.
  7. DELETRIUS Menghapus bayangan hantu yang dihasilkan oleh mantra Priori Incantatem.
  8. DENSAUGEO Membuat gigi terus membesar
  9. DIFFINDO Merobek sesuatu (seperti tas).
  10. DISAPPARATE Menghilang dari suatu tempat. (kebalikan dari mantra Apparate)
  11. DISSENDIUM Membuka pintu rahasia.
  12. ENGORGIO Membuat ukuran target menjadi berlipat ganda.
  13. ENNERVATE Menyadarkan orang yang pingsan
  14. EXPECTO PATRONUM Menciptakan Patronus (pelindung) untuk mengusir Dementor. Catatan : Sebentuk asap keperakan akan keluar dari ujung tongkat sihir saat menggunakan mantra ini. Bentuknya bermacam-macam, biasanya binatang. Kuat tidaknya Patronus, tergantung kepada kekuatan pikiran pemantra. Patronus adalah perwujudan pikiran-pikiran baik dan bahagia pemantra.
  15. EXPELLIARMUS Melucuti senjata lawan.
  16. FERULA Membalut dan membelat kaki yang patah.
  17. FIDELIUS Menyembunyikan seseorang atau beberapa orang. Catatan : Mantra ini sangat rumit dan kuat, karena dapat menyembunyikan seseorang maupun beberapa orang sekaligus dari orang-orang yang mencari.
  18. FINITE INCABTATUM Menghentikan mantra-mantra yang sedang bekerja.
  19. FURNUNCULUS Menyebabkan bisul bermunculan di seluruh wajah.
  20. IMPEDMENTA Menghentikan atau memperlambat sebuah obyek.
  21. IMPERIO Salah satu Kutukan Tak Termaafkan. Kutukan ini membuat korban menjadi sepenuhnya dibawah pengaruh perapal mantra, dan melakukan apa pun yang diinginkan oleh sang pemantra.
  22. IMPERVIUS Membuat sesuatu jadi tahan / kedap air.
  23. INCEDIO Menyalakan api.
  24. LOCOMOTOR MORTIS ' Mengikat' kaki korban, sehingga tidak dapat berjalan.
  25. LUMOS Menyalakan sebuah cahaya kecil di ujung tongkat.
  26. MOBILICORPUS Menggerakkan atau memindahkan tubuh seseorang. Catatan : Biasanya digunakan saat korbannya dalam keadaan tidak sadar atau tidak berdaya.
  27. MORS MORDE Memunculkan gambar tengkorak yang bercahaya, di langit, dan seekor ular keluar dari mulut tengkorak. Merupakan tanda Lord Voldemort dan para pengikutnya.
  28. NOX Mematikan cahaya di ujung tongkat (kebalikan mantra Lumos).
  29. OBLIVIATE Menghapus atau memodifikasi ingatan seseorang
  30. ORCHIDEUS Mengeluarkan sebentuk karangan bunga dari ujung tongkat.
  31. PETRITICUS TOTALUS Membuat sekujur tubuh korban menjadi kaku
  32. PRIORr INCANTATO Mengeluarkan bayangan hantu dari tongkat
  33. QUIETUS Membuat suara perapal mantra menjadi normal, setelah memakai mantra Sonorus.
  34. REDUCTO Menghancurkan benda padat yang menghalangi jalan.
  35. REPARO Mengembalikan keadaan suatu benda ke keadaan sebelum benda itu rusak.
  36. RICTUSEMPRA Membuat korban terbahak-bahak tanpa dapat mengontrolnya.
  37. RIDDIKULUS Mantra untuk menghadapi Boggart. Catatan : Mantra ini membuat Boggart berubah menjadi apa pun yang kita suka, sehingga tidak menakutkan lagi (karena Boggart dapat berubah menjadi apa saja yang menjadi ketakutan terbesar korbannya)
  38. SERPENSORTIA Mengeluarkan ular besar dari ujung tongkat yang mengarah ke lawan pemantra
  39. STUPEFY Membuat korban menjadi tidak sadar.
  40. TARANTALLEGRA Membuat kaki korban bergerak tanpa kendali, seperti sedang berdansa cepat
  41. WADDIWASI Mengeluarkan sebuah benda dan membuangnya ke arah tertentu.
  42. WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA Menerbangkan benda.
  43. Oculus Reparo  Memperbaiki Barang (Kacamata)
  44. Caput Draconis  Kata Sandi Membuka Ruang Rekreasi Grifindor
  45. Lacarnum Inflamarae  Menghasilkan Api
  46. Lumus Solem  Memancarkan Sinar Matahari
  47. Immobulus  Membuat benda melayang kaku
  48. Vera Verto  Mengubah Hewan jadi gelas
  49. Finite Incantatem  Meledakkan keseluruhan sesuatu
  50. Brackium Emendo  Membuat sesuatu lentur
  51. Everte Statum  Melucuti musuh (melontarkan)
  52. Rictusempra  Melucuti musuh (melontarkan)
  53. Serpensortia  Memunculkan Ular
  54. Alarte Ascendare  Melontarkan ke atas
  55. Vipera Evanesca  Meleburkan cepat sesuatu dengan membakar
  56. Cistem Aperio  Membuka tutup kotak
  57. Arania Exumai  Cahaya khusus pengusir laba-laba besar
  58. Obliviate  Menghilangkan pengingatan (Amnesia)
  59. Lumos Maxima  Menyalakan lampu sekejap dan maksimal dari tongkat
  60. Aresto Momentum  Melupakan suatu moment atau kejadian
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire


Tessa Putri Aulia

    Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

    Avenged Sevenfold

    Avenged Sevenfold atau seringkali disingkat sebagai A7X adalah band Hard Rock dan Metal Core yang berasal dari Huntington Beach,California.


    Pembentukan & Karier Indie

    Band ini dibentuk pada tahun 1999 di Huntington Beach, California dengan anggota asli M. ShadowsZacky VengeanceThe Rev dan Matt Wendt. memberi nama bandnya yang referensinya berasal dari cerita Cain dan Abel dari Bible, meskipun demikian, mereka bukanlah band agamis. Saat pembentukannya, masing-masing anggota band ini memakai nama samaran yang juga merupakan nama panggilan mereka saat bersekolah di Sekolah Menegah Atas. Sebelum merilis album debut mereka, band ini merekam dua demo pada tahun 1999 dan 2000. Album pertama mereka, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, direkam ketika para anggota band masih berumur delapan belas tahun dan juga masih bersekolah di sekolah menengah atas. album ini pada awalnya dirilis oleh perusahaan label pertama mereka, Good Life Record pada tahun 2001. Setelah gitaris Synyster Gates bergabung dengan band, pada akhir 1999 masuk ketika ia berusia 18 tahun. Lagu "To End the Rapture" direkam ulang dengan menampilkan anggota penuh band. Album ini kemudian dirilis ulang pada Hopeless Records pada tahun 2002.
    Band ini lalu mulai menerima pengakuan, mereka tampil dengan band-band seperti Mushroomhead dan Shadows Fall dan bermain di Take Action Tour. Setelah bassis keempat mereka, Johnny Christbergabung secara permanen, mereka merilis album Waking the Fallen di Hopeless Records pada bulan Agustus 2003. Band menerima pengakuan oleh Billboard dan The Boston Globe, dan juga bermain di "Vans Warped Tour". Pada tahun 2004, Avenged Sevenfold mengadakan tur kembali di "Vans Warped Tour" dan merekam video untuk lagu "Unholy Confessions "yang masuk tangga lagu di MTV2's Headbanger's Ball. Tak lama setelah merilis Waking the Fallen, Avenged Sevenfold meninggalkan Hopeless Records dan menandatangani kontrak yang diajukan oleh Warner Bros.

    Sounding the Seventh Trumpet

    Sounding the Seventh Trumpet adalah debut album Avenged Sevenfold yang dirilis tahun 2001 di Good Life Recording dan di rilis kembali oleh Hopeless Records tanggal 19 Maret 2002.

    Waking the Fallen (2003-2005)

    Waking the Fallen adalah album ke dua dari Avenged Sevenfold setelah yang dirilis tanggal 26 Agustus 2003. Ini adalah album pertama yang melibatkan Johnny Christ sebagai bassist yang baru.

    City of Evil

    Tahun 2005, Amerika Serikat tengah jenuh dengan musik hip-hop dan pop yang merajalela, lalu Avenged Sevenfold merilis album mereka City of Evil tepatnya pada tanggal 8 Juni, 2005. Hits singleBat Country merupakan lagu metal/rock pertama yang merajai MTV TRL. Mereka mempopulerkan kembali solo gitar dengan duet gitaris Synyster Gates dan Zacky Vengeance yang benar-benar memanaskan area moshpit. Album tersebut mendapat sertifikat gold dan memenangkan predikat Best New Artist in a Video di MTV VMA 2006 untuk lagu Bat Country.

    Avenged Sevenfold (2007-2008)

    Tahun 2007, mereka kembali masuk studio untuk merekam lagu terbaru mereka untuk studio album ke-5 mereka. Awal Agustus 2007, mereka menjalani tur Asia Pasifik mereka, dan sempat mampir di Indonesia dan memainkan lagu mereka pertama kali di depan publik. Lagu yang berjudul Almost Easy tersebut mendapat sambutan hangat dari penggemar di seluruh dunia. Ketika itu band punkJogjakarta Endang Soekamti didaulat menjadi band pembuka. Tahun 2008 ini, mereka berpartisipasi sebagai headliners di tour Taste of Chaos bersama dengan Bullet for My ValentineAtreyu,Blessthefall dan Idiot Pilot. Ketika tour, mereka merekam sebuah DVD yang mengandung 6 lagu baru mereka. Tanggal 22 Oktober 2008, Avenged Sevenfold kembali manggung di Indonesia masih dengan event organizer yang sama yakni Java Musikindo dan kali ini band ga jelas Jibril didaulat menjadi band pembuka.

    Live In The LBC & Diamonds in the Rough (2008-2010)

    Album yang dirilis pada 16 September2008 ini berisi 102 menit DVD dan 52 menit CD.
    Di album ini terdapat dua lagu lama yaitu "Afterlife" dan "Almost Easy". Namun kedua lagu tersebut tidak sama persis dengan lagu aslinya. Pada lagu "Afterlife" ditambahi permainan biola yang lebih banyak, sedangkan lagu "Almost Easy" yang berbeda adalah mixing lagunya. Selain itu terdapat juga lagu "Walk" yang merupakan cover dari Pantera dan "Flash of the Blade" yang merupakan cover dari Iron Maiden.
    Pada tanggal 16 Juli, majalah Kerrang! (edisi 1219) mengeluarkan sebuah CD gratis berjudul "Maiden Heaven: A Tribute to Iron Maiden" untuk menghormati album dari salah satu band heavy metalterbesar di dunia yaitu Iron Maiden. Matt Shadows berkomentar, "Maiden are by far the best live band in the world and their music is timeless," dan "This also gives us a chance to expose this great song to some of our younger fans who maybe aren't as familiar with Iron Maiden."

    [sunting]Nightmare (2010)

    Setelah beberapa lama mereka mengeluarkan single "Nightmare" pada 18 Juli 2010 yang nantinya akan masuk kedalam album baru mereka. Dalam single ini mereka memanggil Mike Portnoy dariDream Theater untuk menggantikan posisi The Rev yang meninggal pada 28 Desember 2009.


    M. Shadows
    Lead singer dari Avenged sevenfold sekaligus yang menemukan bandnya. M. Shdows adalah salah satu personil asli dari Avenged Sevenfold. Nama lengkapnya adalah Matthew Charles Sanders. Dia lahir pada tanggal 31 Juli tahun 1981. Dia mendapatkan nama panggungnya karena dia seorang yang “Darker” karakter, tapi kemudian dia tidak mau nama Matt menjadi bagian dari namanya jadi dia lebih suka untuk memutuskan menamai dirinya M. Shadows. Dia mempunyai pacar bernama Valery yang pernah bernyanyi bersama KoRn. Pernah ikut band bernama Succesful Failure. Bisa memainkan drum, gitar, dan piano.
    Synyster Gates
    Synyster Gates Collage/wallpaper Pictures, Images and Photos
    Lahir 7 Juli tahun 1981 dengan nama lengkap Brian Elwin Haner Jr. Bergabung dengan Avenged Sevenfold pada tahun 2001. Mempunyai proyek sampingan bersama The Rev bernama Pinkly Smooth. Bersekolah di Ocean View High School. Dia mempunyai toko pakaian sendiri bernama Syn Gates Clothing. Dia juga telah memenangkan the Young Shredder Award dan the Guitarist of the Year Award. Synyster Gate juga disponsori oleh Gitar Schecter. Tatto pertamanya adalah nomor satu di jempolnya. Dia pernah menjadi tamu dan rekaman bersama dengan Good Charlotte di lagu The River. Synyster Gates juga mahir bermain piano. Dia dulu ke Musicians Institute di Hollywood California.
    Zacky Vengeance
    Zacky Vengeance Pictures, Images and Photos
    Nama lengkapnya adalah Zachary James Baker. Lahir tanggal 11 Desember 1981. Dia sudah bermain gitar sejak umur 13 tahun menggunakan tangan kiri. Mempunyai saudara bernama Matthew dan mempunyai saudara perempuan bernama Zina. Dia juga mempunyai toko pakaian sendiri seperti Synyster Gate bernama Zacky V Presents. Mempunyai anjing bernama Ichabod C. Vengeance. Disponsori oleh Gitar Schecter. Posisinya sebagai gitar Rythem di Avenged Sevenfold. Dia juga salah satu personil asli Aveged Sevenfold dan menemukannya bersama M. Shadows. Dialah yang membuat julukan atau singkatan A7X.
    Johnny Christ
    Johnny Christ Pictures, Images and Photos
    Lahir pada tanggal 18 November tahun 1984 dengan nama lengkap Jonathan Lewis Seward. Personil termuda di Avenged Sevenfold. Dia tidak bersekolah di SMA yang sama dengan yang lain. Bertemu dengan mereka melalui kakak tertuanya. Johnny adalah Bassist ketiga untuk Avenged Sevenfold. Dia juga personil terpendek di band hanya 5′4″.
    The Reverend Tholomew Plague
    the rev 3 Pictures, Images and Photos
    Lahir pada tanggal 9 Februari tahun 1981 dengan nama lengkap James Owen Sullivan. Dia mendapatkan drum setnya sendiri pada umur 3 tahun. Dia juga pernah dikeluarkan dari Sekolah Katolik pada tahun ke-3. Mempunyai proyek sampingan bersama Synyster Gate bernama Pinkly Smooth, yang mana dia Lead Singernya dan dia juga bermain drum untuk band itu. The Rev juga yang menulis lagu baru Avenged Sevenfod berjudul A Little Piece of Heaven. Dia juga yang menemukan suara tertawa, nyanyian, dan teriakan di dalamnya. Saat dia masih remaja dia pernah terlihat berjalan-jalan menggunakan kimono berwarna cerah. Sekarang ia telah meninggal saat ditemui di rumahnya dan tak bernyawa. Ucapan dukacita pun mengalir deras dari para penggemarnya. Ini salah satu penyebab bahwa sampai sekarang Avenged Sevenfold tidak pernah tampil lagi.

    [sunting]Kematian The Rev

    Pada tanggal 28 Desember 2009 drummer James"The Rev"Sullivan ditemukan meninggal di rumahnya pada umur 28 tahun. Hasi otopsi tidak dapat disimpulkan. Namun tanggal 9 juni 2010 diumumkan bahwa penyebab kematiannya adalah keracunan akibat penggunaan piskotropika yang dicampur - campur, sering juga disebut polydrug use atau "cross fading". Dalam pernyataan dari anggota band lainnya, mereka turut berbela sungkawa atas meninggalnya The Rev dan meminta untuk menghormati privasi keluarganya:
    It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we tell you of the passing today of Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan. Jimmy was not only one of the world's best drummers, but more importantly he was our best friend and brother. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jimmy's family and we hope that you will respect their privacy during this difficult time.
    Website resmi Avenged Sevenfold menampilkan pesan dari keluarga Sullivan yang menyatakan terima kasih kepada penggemarnya atas dukungan mereka:
    "We would like to thank all of Jimmy's fans for the heartfelt comments that have been posted – it is comforting to know that his genius and antics were appreciated and that he was loved so much. Our hearts are broken – he was much too young to fall. Óg agus saor go deo (forever young and free)"
    Di samping itu komentar tentang kematian Sullivan, manajer band Larry Jacobson mengungkapkan bagaimana Sullivan adalah orang yang begitu baik terhadap semua orang. Jacobson berkata dalam wawancara itu:
    He was expressive. He'd tell you how he felt about you -- you didn't wonder because he'd put his arm around you," he said. "He knew how to tell his friends he loved them.
    Selain Jacobson ada 50 lebih artis musik yang mengomentari tentang kematian The Rev.
    Pada tanggal 6 Januari 2010 jenazah di makamkan di lokasi yang dirahasiakan.
    Tanggal 5 Januari 2010,majalah kerrang! menulis artikel tentang kematian The Rev.Zacky Vegeance menunjukan perasaan-nya tentang kematian The Rev
    "Jimmy will always be with me in everything I do. Except sitting at home being sad, so today Im going to try to start living again. foREVer.

    Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

    Tokio Hotel

    Tokio Hotel is a pop rock band from Germany. Founded in 2001 by singer Bill Kaulitz, guitarist Tom Kaulitz, drummer Gustav Schäfer and bassist Georg Listing.[4] The quartet have scored four number one singles and have released three number one albums in their native country, selling nearly 5 million CDs and DVDs there.[5] After recording an unreleased demo-CD under the name "Devilish" and having their contract with Sony BMG Germany terminated, the band released their first German-language album, Schrei, as Tokio Hotel on Universal Music Germany in 2005. Schrei sold more than half a million copies worldwide[6] and spawned four top five singles in both Germany and Austria. In 2007, the band released their second German album Zimmer 483 and their first English album Scream which have combined album sales of over one million copies worldwide and helped win the band their first MTV Europe Music Award for Best InterAct. The former, Zimmer 483, spawned three top five singles in Germany while the latter, Scream, spawned two singles that reached the top twenty in new territories such as FrancePortugalSpain and Italy. In September 2008, they won in the US their first MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist. In October 2008, they won four awards including Best International Artist and Song of the year at Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica held in Mexico. Tokio Hotel became the first German band ever to win an award at the MTV VMAs and also at the MTV Latin America Awards. They also picked up the Headliner award at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008 held in Liverpool on 6 November 2008 and the Award for Best Group on 5 November 2009 at the MTV Europe Music Award held in Berlin.

    Tokio Hotel

    Bill Kaulitz, vocalist of Tokio Hotel
    Background information
    GenresPop rock[1][2]
    Teen pop[3]
    Years active2001–present
    LabelsUniversal Music Germany
    CherrytreeInterscope (US)
    Bill Kaulitz
    Tom Kaulitz
    Georg Listing
    Gustav Schäfer



    Tokio Hotel was founded by vocalist Bill Kaulitz and guitarist Tom Kaulitz, who are identical twin brothers, drummer Gustav Schäfer and bass-guitarist Georg Listing. The four met in 2001 after a live show in a Magdeburg club, where Listing and Schäfer, who knew each other from music school, watched from the audience while Bill and Tom Kaulitz played on the stage.[7][8] Under the name Devilish, the band soon began playing in talent shows and small concerts.[9] After Bill Kaulitz's participation in a children's Star Search in 2003 at age thirteen (which he lost in the quarter-final), he was discovered by music producer Peter Hoffmann. Devilish changed their name to Tokio Hotel: "Tokio", the German spelling of the Japanese city Tokyo, due to a love of the city, and "Hotel" due to their constant touring and living in hotels.[7] Soon after Sony BMG took them under contract, Hoffmann hired David Jost and Pat Benzner into the team of creators and authors, and had them give the teens instruction on songwriting and instrument playing; most of the songs of the first album were written by Hoffmann, Jost and Benzer (including the singles "Scream" and "Rescue me" which were completely written by them), only the single "Unendlichkeit" was written completely by Tokio Hotel themselves. However, shortly before release of their first album, Sony terminated their contract. In 2005, Universal Music Group took Tokio Hotel under contract and developed a marketing plan. The band has now become one of the biggest acts from Germany.


    Bill Kaulitz performing in Hessisch-Lichtenau, Germany in 2006.
    Their first single, "Durch den Monsun" ("Through the Monsoon"), quickly rose in the charts, appearing on the German official Media Control single chart at #15 on 20 August 2005 and eventually reaching #1 on 26 August 2005; it also reached #1 on the Austrian singles chart. Their second single, "Schrei" ("Scream"), climbed to the #5 position in the German charts. These two songs were written by singer Bill Kaulitz together with their group of producers Peter Hoffmann, David Jost, Pat Benzer and Dave Roth. Their debut album, Schrei, was released on 19 September 2005, and was certified triple gold by the BVMI in 2006 for selling over 300,000 copies in Germany.[10] In 2006, a third and fourth single, "Rette mich" ("Rescue Me") and "Der letzte Tag" ("The Final Day"), were released; both reached #1 as well. "Der letzte Tag" contained a B-side called "Wir schließen uns ein", which was also accompanied by a music video.

    [edit]Zimmer 483

    The first single off their second album Zimmer 483 (Room 483), called "Übers Ende der Welt" (later re-released in English under the name "Ready, Set, Go!"), was released on 26 January 2007 and quickly reached #1 in Germany and Austria, and #2 in France. Zimmer 483 was released in Germany on 23 February 2007, along with a deluxe edition of the album containing a DVD. The album's second single, "Spring nicht" ("Don't Jump") was released on 7 April. The tour accompanying the release of the album, The Zimmer 483 Tour, was scheduled to start in March 2007, but was delayed by two weeks because the band members wished to have a different stage design. A third single, "An deiner Seite (Ich bin da)" ("By Your Side"), was released on the 16 November. The single contains the B-side "1000 Meere" ("1000 Oceans"), for which a music video was also produced. On 28 April 2008 Tokio Hotel released their single "Heilig" but no music video for the single was released, because of the tight schedule they had.


    Tokio Hotel's first English language album, Scream, was released on 4 June 2007 throughout Europe. In Germany, the album was released as Room 483 in order to emphasize the continuity with their last German album Zimmer 483Scream contains English versions of a selection of songs from their German-language albums Scream and Zimmer 483. "Monsoon", the English-language version of "Durch den Monsun", was the first single from the album. "Ready, Set, Go" (the translation of "Übers Ende der Welt") was released as the album's second single and "Don't Jump" (the translation of "Spring nicht") as the third single. A video for "Scream", the English-language version of their 2005 hit "Schrei", was also recorded, and was released to the iTunes Store in early March 2008.
    Tokio Hotel gave their first concert in the United Kingdom on 19 June 2007. "Ready, Set, Go" was released in the UK as the band's first single on 27 August 2007. The song reached #77 in the UK Singles Chart.
    Tokio Hotel won an MTV Europe Music Award for Best InterAct on 1 November 2007 and were also nominated for Best Band. They performed "Monsoon" at the event.
    Tokio Hotel released their first US single, simply called "Tokio Hotel", in late 2007. The single contains the tracks "Scream" and "Ready, Set, Go!", and was available exclusively at Hot Topic stores. Their second US single, "Scream America", was released on 11 December 2007. The single contains the track "Scream" and a remix of "Ready, Set, Go!" by AFI's Jade Puget. In February 2008, the band toured North America for five dates starting in Canada and finishing up in New York.[11] After appearing and performing live on MuchMusic, while touring in Canada, "Ready, Set, Go!" entered theMuchOnDemand Daily 10, a countdown of videos chosen by viewers. It remained there for over a week, then returned to the top of the MOD Daily 10 chart on April 8. "Scream" was released in Canada on 25 March and in the US on 6 May.

    [edit]1000 Hotels Tour

    The "1000 Hotels" European Tour began on 3 March 2008 in Brussels and continued to locations including The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Scandinavia, and was scheduled to finish on 9 April; however, during the concert in Marseille, France on 14 March, Bill started to experience vocal problems.[12] He let the audience sing more frequently than normal and instead of the original 21 songs that were on the set list, they only played 16 songs. Bill apologized, in German, for his bad singing and explained that he was sick. Two days later, the band canceledLisbon, Portugal concert minutes before it was supposed to commence. The rest of the "1000 Hotels" Tour and a scheduled North American Tour were cancelled following an announcement in Bild by the band's manager that Bill Kaulitz had to undergo surgery to remove a cyst on his vocal cords.[13][14]
    Bill Kaulitz had been putting strain on his voice after playing 43 concerts in the 1000 Hotels tour without vacation.[15] He had to undergo Larynx surgery on March 30 to remove a cyst that had formed on his vocal cords.[16] The cyst was the result of a throat infection that went untreated.[17] Following his surgery, Bill was unable to speak for twelve days, and had four weeks of vocal rehabilitation.[18]If Bill had continued singing the rest of the tour, his voice would have eventually been permanently damaged.[12][19] Tokio Hotel started performing again in May 2008[20] and after that they embarked on a 2nd part of their 1000 Hotels European Tour adding many Open Air concerts and wrapping up the tour on July 13 in Werchter, Belgium.

    [edit]North American Tours and Humanoid

    Tokio Hotel embarked on a second tour of North America in August 2008. The band's music video for "Ready Set Go!" was nominated for Best Pop Video at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards,[21]where they also won the award for Best New Artist.[22] They returned to North America again in October 2008 for a month long tour of concerts and record store signings. In December 2008, a behind-the scenes DVD called Tokio Hotel TV – Caught on Camera was released. It contains footage from Tokio Hotel TV and backstage feature stories of the previous year on disc one entitled "History – The very best of Tokio Hotel TV!". A deluxe edition contains a second disc entitled "Future – The road to the new Album!" which features footage of the band on promotion tours and preparing for their third studio album.[23]
    In between the North American tours, the band returned to their record studio in Hamburg to record their third studio album, Humanoid, which, according to their producer David Jost, is currently set for release on October 2 in Germany & October 6, 2009 in the U.S.[24][25][26] This is despite earlier statements predicting a March/April 2009 release or a May/June 2009 release.[27][28][29] The album was recorded in both German and English with both versions were released simultaneously worldwide.[28][29]
    On August 10, it was announced on MTV news that the first German single would be "Automatisch" and its English counterpart, "Automatic", would also be released as a first single in the United States. On August 20, MTV Buzzworthy released a video which previewed "Automatic" and Cherrytree Records announced that the English version of the song would be released in the US on September 22.[30][31] Nevertheless, the video for the single was released on September 3.
    On November 2, it was announced on Tom's Blog that the second English single would be "World Behind My Wall" and its German counterpart, "Lass uns laufen", would be the second German single.[32] The music videos for both versions were released on December 14 and December 15.
    On June 24, the live music video for their single, "Dark Side of the Sun" was released on the band website.
    On July 20, 2010 they released their second live album Humanoid City Live from MilanItaly On November 22, 2010, their new song "Hurricanes and Suns," premiered on the Greek radio station Mad Radio. It is to be included as a bonus track on all versions of "Tokio Hotel: Best Of," a compilation album of their most successful songs. As well as the single for the 'Best of' release. The album will also include "Maedchen Aus Dem All," the first song the band recorded in a studio.
    In December of 2010 Their 'Best of' will be released. December 2nd will be the World Premiere of the video for, 'Hurricanes and Suns' on their Official Website.

    [edit]Asian Performances

    Tokio Hotel performed their first concert in Asia (Excluding their concert in Israel) at the Audi Showcase in Singapore, followed shortly by the TM Connects With Tokio Hotel event in Malaysia, promoting the sales of their album Humanoid. They concluded the series of mini-concerts with Taiwan. They are due to perform in Japan, in their namesake city of Tokyo, on December 15th of 2010, after their South American Tour concludes in Distrito Federal, Mexico on 2nd of December, 2010.

    [edit]Band members

    Tokio Hotel Origins

    [edit]Bill Kaulitz

    [edit]Tom Kaulitz

    Tom Kaulitz was born on September 1, 1989 in Leipzig ten minutes before his identical twin brother, Bill. Since September 2007, Tom uses Gibsonguitars and Mesa/Boogie Rectifier Heads with Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 cabinets.[33] He has stated his musical influences to be Aerosmith[34] and German hip-hop such as Samy Deluxe.[7] He modeled for Reebok in Germany. Kaulitz, alongside his identical twin brother, Bill, is an advocate for PETA in Germany. They participated in a photo shoot discouraging the use of animals for entertainment. He currently lives with his brother, Bill Kaulitz, in Los Angeles, where they are working on producing another album.

    [edit]Georg Listing

    Georg Listing was born on 31 March 1987. His hometown is Halle. He began playing bass when he was thirteen-years-old,[7] and, as of September 2007, uses a Sandberg bass.[33] He has said that his playing style was heavily influenced by Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers,[35] and other musical influences include Die Ärzte and Oasis.[7]

    [edit]Gustav Schäfer

    Gustav Schäfer was born on 8 September 1988 in his hometown of Magdeburg. He currently lives in Magdeburg and in the temporary home in Hamburgwhere the studio is. Gustav has been playing the drums since he was five. His musical influences include Metallica, Joe Crocker, and Rod Stewart.


    [edit]Studio Albums

    [edit]Live Albums


    Best NewcomerComet Awards (Germany)6 October
    Super CometComet Awards (Germany)6 October
    Best NewcomerEins Live Krone24 November
    Best Pop National ActBambi Awards1 December
    Best SingleGolden Penguin (Austria)...2005
    Best PopGolden Penguin (Austria)...2005
    Rock Band 2005Golden Penguin (Austria)...2005
    Album of the yearGolden Penguin (Austria)8 February
    Band of the yearGolden Penguin (Austria)8 February
    Song of the year – ‘Der Letzte Tag’Golden Penguin (Austria)8 February
    Best NewcomerGolden Penguin (Austria)8 February
    Ausverkaufte TourhalleSold-out-Award of Königpilsener Arena11 March
    Best NewcomerECHO Awards (Germany)12 March
    Best NewcomerSteiger Awards25 March
    Pop NationalRadio Regenbogen (Germany)31 March
    SuperBand Rock – Golden OttoBravo Otto6 May
    Music AwardBild OSGAR22 May
    Best Newcomer InternationalPopcorn Awards (Hungary)26 May
    Best NewcomerBravo Otto (Hungary)24 June
    Best International BandBravo Otto (Hungary)24 June
    Best Newcomer BandPopkomm Bavarian Music Lion21 September
    Best German Pop BandGoldene Stimmgabel24 September
    Best Selling German ArtistWorld Music Awards15 November
    Best Pop National ActBambi Awards30 November
    Best Live ActEins Live Krone7 December
    Best Rock bandMTV France
    Single of the Year – Durch Den MonsunGolden Penguin
    Best Selling German Act – Album SchreiEuropean Border Breakers Award21 January
    European Border Breakers AwardNRJ Awards21 January
    Rock AwardBZ-Kulturpreis23 January
    Best Video NationalECHO Awards (Germany)25 March
    SuperBand Rock – Golden ottoBravo Otto28 April
    Best VideoComet Awards (Germany)3 May
    Best BandComet Awards (Germany)3 May
    SupercometComet Awards (Germany)3 May
    Best BandJabra MusicJuly 2007
    Digital prizeFestivalbar (Italy)7 September
    Most Successful Group Rock InternationalGoldene Stimmgabel22 September
    Most Successful Popgroup InternationalGoldene Stimmgabel Awards3 October
    Best AlbumTMF Awards (Belgium)14 October
    Best VideoTMF Awards (Belgium)14 October
    Best New ArtistTMF Awards (Belgium)14 October
    Best PopTMF Awards (Belgium)14 October
    Best International ActMTV Europe Music Awards (EMA)1 November
    Best band of the YearMTV Italy Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award1 December
    Band of the Year 2007Golden Penguin (Austria)January
    Best International BandRockbjörnen Award (Sweden)24 January
    Best International BandNRJ Music Awards (France)26 January
    Best Music NationalGoldene Kamera (Germany)6 February
    Best Music VideoEcho Awards (Germany)15 February
    Best International ArtistEmma Gala Awards (Finland)8 March
    Best International GroupDisney Channel Kids Award (Italy)28 March
    Best ConcertHitkrant (Netherlands)May 2008
    Best Mood Song – MonsoonHitkrant (Netherlands)May 2008
    Song that Satys in your Head – MonsoonHitkrant (Netherlands)May 2008
    Superband Rock – Silver OttoBravo Otto3 May
    Best BandMTV TRL Awards (Italy)17 May
    Best Number 1 of the Year with MonsoonMTV TRL Awards (Italy)17 May
    Best BandComet Awards (Germany)23 May
    Best Video – An Deiner SeiteComet Awards (Germany)23 May
    Best Live ActComet Awards (Germany)23 May
    Super CometComet Awards (Germany)23 May
    Best New ArtistMTV VMA Music Awards (USA)7 September
    Fan Choice Best EntranceMTV VMA Music Awards (USA)7 September
    Best Male Artist International (Bill Kaulitz)TMF Awards[38] (Belgium)11 October
    Best Video International – Don't JumpTMF Awards[38] (Belgium)11 October
    Song of the YearMTV Latin America Awards16 October
    Best Fanclub-VenezuelaMTV Latin America Awards16 October
    Best New Artist-InternationalMTV Latin America Awards16 October
    Best RingtoneMTV Latin America Awards16 October
    HeadlinerMTV Europe Music Awards (EMA)6 November
    Best Selling DVD: ZImmer 483 – Live in EuropeRekord (Russia)2 December
    SuperBand – Golden OttoBravo Otto (Germany)12 May
    Best TRL Artist of the YearMTV TRL Awards (Italy)16 May
    Best Online StarComet Awards (Germany)29 May
    Export Hit of GermanyBavarian Music Lion17 September
    International Award (2009)Audi Generation Award18 October
    Best Group [39]MTV Europe Music Awards (EMA)5 November
    Best International Rock BandTelehit Awards (Mexico)12 November
    Best International BandNRJ Music Awards (France)23 January
    Band of the YearGolden Penguin (Austria)29 January
    Album of the YearGolden Penguin (Austria)29 January
    Band of the YearBravoora Awards (Poland)1 February
    Best International ArtistEmma Gala Awards (Finland)4 February
    Walk of FameKönig-Pilsener Arena (Germany)26 February
    Best International BandRadio Regenbogen Awards (Germany)19 March
    Favorite Music StarKids Choice Awards 2010 (Germany)10 April
    Best Live ActComet Awards (Germany)21 May
    Foreign Song of the Year - World Behind My WallRockbjörnen Award (Sweden)1 September
    Concert of the YearRockbjörnen Award (Sweden)1 September
    Best World Stage PerformanceMTV Europe Music Awards (Madrid)7 November